How do I keep my placenta after giving birth?
Ensure that your midwife, birthing team and family are aware that you wish to keep your placenta and note this in your birth plan. Discuss your plan to keep your placenta with your midwife during your antenatal appointments.
How do I store my placenta?
My Gold Collection Service guarantees your placenta is collected within 24 hours. Many clients choose this service because they want their placenta to be processed as soon as possible, believing “The fresher it is, the better it is”. Others choose this service to simplify caring for the placenta after birth.
How do I get my placenta to you after I have given birth?
I can collect your placenta from your home or the hospital. When you book I will ask for your due date and contact you before this date to make sure you are prepared. When you go into established labour you should text me, with another text once you have given birth. You (or a family member) can then liaise with me over collection of your placenta depending on what level of collection you have chosen.
Are there any reasons the hospital may not allow me to keep my placenta?
This is very rare. If there are significant abnormalities of the placenta your healthcare team may send your placenta for further examination. Other conditions, such as signs of infection during labour, may mean that consuming your placenta is not advisable. The most usual reason is that your hospital, doctor or midwife are not aware that you want it to keep your placenta. Clear communication is therefore essential!
Are there any situations that would make it unsafe for me to consume my placenta?
There are a few situations where I would not be able to process your placenta. These are:
If the placenta is sent to pathology
If there is a uterine infection
If the placenta is improperly stored
If the mother smoked during pregnancy
Please let me know if you have any specific questions. If you are on medication during your pregnancy I ask you to seek advice from your consultant before deciding on placenta encapsulation.
Can I encapsulate if I’m induced, have a Caesarean section or a medicated birth?
Encapsulation is still possible if you give birth with an epidural or if you have a Caesarean section. The placenta acts as a filter, filtering out toxins and sending them back to the mother’s liver to be detoxed from the system. If you are on medication during your pregnancy we ask you to seek advice from your consultant before deciding on placenta encapsulation.
Can I use my placenta if I have a water birth?
Yes, but it is important that the placenta is delivered onto a clean surface (such as an inco pad or towel) and not into the birthing pool.
What happens if my placenta is stained with meconium?
Meconium is sterile, does not contain the faecal bacteria that normal stool does and therefore is perfectly fine to encapsulate. Meconium is only dangerous for the baby to inhale, but is otherwise harmless. If your placenta is heavily stained I will wash it thoroughly before encapsulation preparation. I will advise you once I have checked it. If it is thick with meconium you may only be able to have Traditional Chinese Medicine capsules. You cannot have a Placenta Smoothie if there is meconium staining because bacteria may be present.
Can I delay cord clamping if I am encapsulating my placenta?
Delayed cord clamping (waiting at least 10 minutes after delivery to cut the cord, preferably until it has completely stopped pulsing) has been proven to hold lifelong benefits for babies, and is something I encourage all families to research before giving birth. Delaying cord clamping will not have any negative effect on your placenta
What if I am Group B Strep positive (GBS) or have an infection and need antibiotics, will I still be able to use my placenta?
Group B Strep is a common bacterium that does not normally pose health risks to the mother. All bacteria in the placenta are killed during the steaming process, and with Group B Strep I only use the Traditional Chinese Medicine method of placenta encapsulation.
Rarely, Group B Strep can lead to uterine infection. If you developed a uterine infection or fever during your labour, your placenta would not be considered useful in healing, and is likely to be taken to the pathology lab for testing. Otherwise Group B Strep is not contra-indicated in placenta remedy preparation.
Can I have my placenta encapsulated if I am diagnosed with pre-eclampsia?
Placenta encapsulation is not contra-indicated for mothers with pre-eclampsia. Many women who have had pre-eclampsia have very successfully used placenta capsules. No one fully understands pre-eclampsia or exactly how to prevent it, and although the placenta does seem to play a part, it is not usually unfit for consumption. After the birth, your placenta will be examined for irregularities and problems. Most of the time the placenta is completely fine and you should have no problem encapsulating.
Can I have my placenta encapsulated if my baby is premature?
Yes, mums of premature babies need all the help they can get bringing in their milk, healing quickly, and balancing post-natal mood. As long as your placenta is examined and cleared for any type of abnormality after birth I am happy to encapsulate it.
Are there any people who cannot have capsules made from their placenta?
You cannot have capsules made from your placenta if you have a blood-borne virus such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV. You can have capsules made from your placenta if you are given medicine or anaesthetics during the birth of your baby, including a Syntometrine injection. If you are taking any prescription medicines other than those used during pregnancy please seek the advice of your doctor before having capsules made from your placenta.
What does it mean to have your placenta encapsulated?
Placenta Encapsulation is the process of turning raw placenta in to safe to consume capsules, similar to herbal supplements. Placenta goes through a verified set of processes in a clinical setting, over a number of hours. Both types of capsules (TCM and Simple) end up being dehydrated at certain temperatures, ground in to fine powder, then manually filled in to capsules.
What can you do with your placenta after birth?
Your placenta can be processed and 'encapsulated', meaning it can be turned in to capsules for you to take in the weeks or months after birth. I can also make some other amazing remedies, such as a tincture, an essence, creams for both mother and baby, balms and homeopathic remedies.
How do I know the placenta remedies are from my placenta and not someone else’s?
At the very basic level we only ever process one placenta at a time in the practice. Furthermore our processes, including Stock Control Measures, Labelling Methods, Temperature Control Measures, Traceability and Product Recall Measures have all been audited by Environmental Health before granting us approval to practice.
Cheshire Placenta is run to the highest safety and quality standards. The integrity of our technique and processes in my controlled practice environment is never compromised.
How many pills will my placenta make?
Placentas vary in size so the number of capsules also varies.
The number of capsules made from the Simple Placenta method can be anywhere from 80-180.
For Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) placenta capsules the average is slightly less.
How long will my capsules last?
It is very important that capsules are consumed within 12 weeks. Capsules can be stored in a cool, dry dark cupboard, but not the fridge. We strongly advise clients to wash their hands before handling their placenta capsules and avoid leaving the jar open.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) capsules can be stored in a cool dry dark cupboard, but not the fridge, for up to 6 months. I strongly advise clients to wash their hands before handling their placenta capsules and avoid leaving the jar open.
How often do you take placenta pills?
Most women consume one or two capsules three times a day during the first couple of weeks post-partum or until they feel their hormones have returned to normal. You can take one or two capsules whenever you feel you may need a little more energy or to boost your milk supply when breastfeeding. Placenta capsules can be taken as needed and there is no single correct dose. You may adjust your dose as you feel right. Listen to your body – it will tell you what it needs!
Will I experience any side effects when taking my placenta capsules?
I highly recommend you follow the care instructions. Storing your placenta capsules properly, avoiding TCM capsules when ill and not taking more than the recommended dose will reduce your chances of experiencing any side effects.
However, if you experience any side effect which you suspect is caused by your remedies, please stop taking them immediately. Please inform us without delay and seek medical advice.
Each individual, and their placenta, is unique. I simply process your placenta into remedies in a safe environment, using a tested and verified system. Clients experiences using their remedies will be different than any other individual.
Clients who choose to use our services take full responsibility for their own health and for researching and using the remedies I provide.
When should I not take placenta capsules?
It is not advised to take your TCM capsules if you have an infection, common cold, flu, fever or an infection such as mastitis. Only once your symptoms have subsided should you start taking your placenta capsules again.
Do not take placenta capsules while you are pregnant because of their hormone levels.
If you do experience any side effects stop taking the remedies immediately and and seek medical advice.
How much does it cost?
You can find prices for each individual remedy through my Products page.
What is the booking process?
It’s as simple as filling in our online booking form, selecting the remedies you wish to go for and providing some medical information. I advise you to book early as we can be fully booked months in advance – but if you have only just heard about the benefits of placenta encapsulation do not worry, please get in touch as I will always accommodate last minute bookings.